New Year - Your Choice. 5 Tune-Ups You Can Make Today
Just over a month ago we welcomed in 2019! No matter what is happening in our personal lives time keeps ticking by…
Did you start off with aspirations to make a change in your life? It’s funny how inspired we can be at the beginning of the year and then in no time how we tend to slip right back into our old routines. How…why…is that possible when we’re so motivated at the beginning of the year/project?
Let’s work on getting you back on track so the year doesn’t fly by again without making those changes you would like to make. Remember it’s all about choices…the choices YOU chose to make will influence your Nail or Fail! Now for your 5 Tune-Ups:
One Word. This is the second year I have discovered my word. I hash-tagged it last year in my Instagram posts and each time it reminded me to live it. This year my word is: Transform. This is a huge & scary concept for me. Its purpose is to motivate me to grow in my coaching business…to come out from behind in my safe zone and to step out in front of ladies and share my passion for coaching and the benefit of coaching to women living life in the trenches dreaming of a life…
Mind Set. Yep, if your mind is not focused on positive, fun, upbeat, joyful thoughts, life will go in an undesirable direction and you’ve set yourself up for failure. I can’t, I won’t, nobody loves me attitude will only bring misery. I can, I will, I am…you get where I’m going! Go to a bookstore and find a personal development book to start reading NOW.
Vision Board. Happy National Vision Board Day! January 12, 2019. When you take the time to put together your board and really thinking about what it is that is important to you, you are investing in your future. As you look at it each day it inspires you to pick yourself up after falling instead of staying down. Coming soon…a Vision Board/Stress Relief Board Workshop!
SMART Goals. We all know about goals. There’s not much new that I can reveal to you. The most important thing is that each of your goals are desirable, purposeful, realistic, attainable, and needed FOR YOU. If they are not then you will not commit to the work that needs to be done to achieve them.
Tribe. Enough can’t be said about hanging out with the right peeps! If you’re in a group that gossips, complains, and is lazy…what do you think will come out of your mouth?
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Darren Hardy covered this the other day during his Darren Daily:
Who you travel with determines your destination…and whether you ever even arrive or not. Ask yourself:
Who am I around?
What are they doing to me?
What have they got me reading?
What have they got me saying?
Where do they have me going?
What do they have me thinking?
What do they have me becoming?
Is that OK with me?
It boils down to YOUR determination, investment, commitment, and who you surround yourself with. If you’re reading this with butterflies in your tummy or breathing a little faster, let’s chat. You just might be ready for the power of coaching! With that I invite you to visit my website: